Our Aims
In order to educate students who can think independently, behave responsibly and continue to learn successfully, we are committed to:
- Developing positive attitudes to learning
- Creating a secure learning environment
- Providing opportunities to release personal academic potential
- Encouraging physical, emotional, social, moral and spiritual development.
What we stand for;
Every Newbridge student will progress on a journey to personal, social and academic success through;
- Effective teaching
- High standards of achievement and creativity
- A broad and balanced curriculum
- Valuing talent and achievement
- Encouraging reflection and self-evaluation
- Monitoring progress and intervening with any student who falls behind
- Working in partnership with parents and carers
Every Newbridge student will thrive in a supportive community where our core values include;
- Equal opportunities for all
- Treating others with respect and kindness
- Fostering well-being and self esteem
- Developing resilience
- Clear expectations of good behaviour
- Growing a sense of pride in our school and its community