Experiences beyond the classroomThe Newbridge School offers a range of Co-curricular activities that strive to develop students’ individual talents and interests.
Trips, visits and visiting speakers support students in learning about life beyond school and aim to develop the aspiration of all our students.
We encourage all students to take advantage of trips and visits, take part in our reading challenges and participate in our student leadership opportunities.
CO-curricular clubs
Students will have the opportunity to involve themselves in a range of clubs and activities during lunchtimes and after school. These range from team games such as football, rugby and netball to individual sports such as athletics and badminton. Some of our teams excel in competitions with other schools, but all are open to enthusiasts at any skill level.
We have a very active Performing Arts department which offers many dance, drama and music activities. We involve a large number of students in whole school productions which take place each year.
Additional Co-curricular activities include a range of opportunities within computing, art and design technology and science, and these activities sit alongside a range of revision masterclasses that cover the whole curriculum.
Clubs are subject to cancellation/change due to staff absence/unforeseen circumstances. We apologise for any inconvenience where this is the case. If you have a specific question relating to any club, please contact the member of staff listed.