Our drama curriculum has been designed around the three core areas of drama: performance, devising and appreciation. Drama is a powerful and expressive subject which encourages students to develop their creative, emotional and intellectual capacity, whatever their previous experience in the subject. This curriculum recognises the role of drama in young people’s lives and has been designed to inspire, challenge and motivate every student, no matter what their level of ability. Each area of study is progressively built upon over time using a spaced-learning/interleaving approach e.g. in year 7 they start learning about performance skills, move onto learning about devising skills and then in then they combine performance and devising skills. This structure is then applied in year 8 and 9 reviewing prior knowledge and introducing new skills and more challenge. We aim for all students to be independent learners, critical thinkers and effective decision makers by the end of KS3- all personal attributes that can make them stand out as they progress through their education and apply beyond the classroom into adult life.