At Key Stage 3, history is taught in chronological order which develops a chronological framework of British and world history that helps to make sense of the new knowledge students acquire. It also allows them to understand the process of continuity, change and progress, to see how they have arrived ‘here’ and make sense of the present. At the heart of all topics is a focus on historical enquiry which inspires learners to ask questions and evaluate a wide range of sources and interpretations to reach a substantiated judgement.
When students start their studies in history, they begin by learning about the disciplines of finding out about the past, dispelling myths and building an awareness of the dangers that history can pose. They then start their journey in medieval England, learning about how the country changed politically, militarily and socially as a result of the Norman Conquest. The lives of monarchs and ordinary people are learnt about up until the Tudor reign. The Battle of Bosworth and the discovery of Richard III provides a local study and help students to understand the relevance of history and appreciate how our understanding of the past is constantly being challenged. At Newbridge, we ensure students learn about events in British and world history and are able to place these into the ‘big picture’. A range cultures are learnt about and events from different perspectives are explored as students discover the fascinating worlds of Saladin’s Holy Land and the Mali Empire.
In Year 8, students continue their learning about British history with a focus on Queen Elizabeth I and the era of the English Civil War. They then encounter further world history as they learn about India and the British Empire and the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
During their Year 9 studies, students will focus on 1900-present day. They will learn about the causes, events and consequences of both world wars and inter-war Germany. They then explore the social changes of post-war Britain and know the obstacles people in past time have had to overcome and identify factors that have caused tension and conflict. They will know that lessons from history can be learnt to secure a more progressive and prosperous future.