January 12, 2023

Classroom Consultaion
We're pleased to share that, to help accommodate the increase in pupil admission numbers from 150-180 (which was approved following consultation with stakeholders in 2021), The Newbridge School have built a new six classroom block towards the back of the site.The new block opened to Newbridge students in September 2022 and is currently used exclusively for mathematics lessons. This block provides bespoke learning spaces in modern purpose-built surroundings, offering great benefits to students.
As part of our statutory obligation, there is an open consultation period between 20th January and 17th February 2023 where stakeholders - including parents, students, staff and the local community - are welcome to provide feedback on the classroom block, although this is optional.
You can provide feedback at any time during the consultation period, however, if you would like to view the classroom block before submitting a response, the school will be open for this purpose (only), between 5-6pm on Monday 30th January 2023. There is no need to book.
If you would like to make comment on the classroom block, please do so using this form:
We look forward to receiving your feedback.